
From Freelance Doctors to Clinic Franchise owner.

Guadalajara - Jalisco
LMS - Learning Management System
FMS - Financial Management System
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
DMS - Document Management System
SaaS - Software as a Service

Research Tools

User Persona
Screening Survey
User Interview
Affinity Map
Axis Mapping
Mystery Shopper
Jobs to be Done
Customer Journey
Service Blueprint
Flow Analysis
Moderated User Testing
Unmoderated User Testing


Straton is a Marketing Agency based in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, focused on Specialized Clinics and Medical Entrepreneurs to initialize their digital sales, marketing, and growth strategy. They seek to develop a suite of services, courses, and workshops that empower Doctors, managers, and business owners to help them take their businesses to the next level, considering finance, resources, know-how, and operations. Taking them from freelance to franchise.

About the project

Their motivation to do a complete SaaS started after their low-code, functional beta caught the attention of some investors. Straton contacted us to make a business plan and a development roadmap to tackle their need and search for interested investors. We would find out the importance of the different users during the growth process from freelance to franchise. That finding became the cornerstone of the roadmap and the main challenge during the development process.

Straton's SaaS platform supports Doctors, Nurses, Managers, Receptionists, and Technicians alike. This way, features like shared calendars and shared patient files, alerts, and dashboards are hosted in one place. Their needs and capabilities are managed by user credentials, and their interactions are based on their registration as a team. Each Doctor connects with their team using the Medical Service Suite.

On the other hand, Managers and Clinic owners track the clinic's operational and financial performance. Straton's financial dashboard facilitates accounting and financial decisions through charts and economic states. Operational dashboards help track the efficiency and effectiveness of services, team performance, and occupancy indicators, among other things.

We also developed an admin ERP so Straton could manage Clients and clients' users, Teams, Clinics, and subscriptions. This way, Straton could arrange clients' subscriptions and set their clinics and teams as part of their service. Sticking to a more traditional sales strategy for their market and industry.

Main Design Challenge

How might we deliver value to the different main users, regardless of the business stage or specialization?

The growth process of a medical practitioner starts as a freelance and grows exponentially depending on their demand, reach, and wanted specialization. Different users get involved along the way, all important in fundamental ways, depending on the domain. The challenge became nuanced quickly as soon as we interviewed businesses at different stages of their growth. Business Managers, receptionists, nurses, doctors, technicians, and patients are the main users of the platform. They are crucial for developing a specialized medical clinic, and each user has specific needs.

We interviewed 5 to 10 of each user to understand their jobs, pains, and gains. We mapped their experience and defined a customer journey to understand their expectations and needs at the different stages of a Clinical Business. Our research resulted in a SaaS that satisfies the needs of all the users and, more importantly, optimizes processes that involve their interaction and dependencies to streamline growth. All interactions were mapped out, and we approached the interviewees to clarify their interactions and define the main user flows.

Soon enough, we designed vital interactions between users: Doctors and Receptionists; Doctors and Technicians; Nurses and Receptionists; Managers and Doctors; Doctors and Patients; Receptionists and Patients, and many more. As a result, these users could perform under the same roof, powering up the platform's finance, operations, and resources sides.

  • Receptionists could manage Doctor's appointments through a shared calendar. 
  • Doctors could build patients' files during consultations to feed into their medical history. 
  • Managers could measure Doctors' and Clinic's performance based on calendar availability and their works schedule. 
  • Doctors and Technicians share relevant medical files on specific patients to ensure proper treatment.
  • Doctors and Receptionists register and visualize payments through their finance dashboard to check balances and review movements.


The whole platform became bigger than the initial MVP, and we gradually transitioned to a full SaaS. Dashboards were incorporated, and Business Intelligence took relevance after investors showed interest. The SaaS became a File Management System for medical files, ERP, and CRM for staff and patients, and many more delightful features were integrated. Sadly, the contract ended, and we helped Straton's team form an internal team to continue with in-house development.